Welcome to the Galaxy Labs Engine! This endpoint is used to generate "exported" Galaxy Lab landing pages from remote content hosted on GitHub. You can use this endpoint to rapidly create your own Galaxy Lab pages by pointing to your own remote content.

This custom introductory text was pulled down from GitHub and rendered in real time. Updates to this text on the remote will be reflected on this page. Note that GitHub raw content is cached for 300 seconds, so some updates may take a few minutes to appear on this page.

  1. Copy our example content directory to your own github repository.
  2. Build your Galaxy Lab's info, tools and workflows by editing the YAML and HTML files. Custom CSS and JavaScript are possible too.
  3. Request the site with the content_root GET parameter pointing to your remote content:

A note on caching

When making changes to your Lab content, you may notice that updates are not immediate. This is because of caching. There are two levels of caching to keep in mind:

The webpage includes Bootstrap 5.1, Material icons, and FontAwesome 5.15 and JQuery 3.6 so you can use any styling/functionality defined there. This means you can have webforms, interactive elements, and more. Check out Galaxy Australia's Genome Lab conclusion for an example of more complex usage including modals and webforms. Modals (popups) are a great way to hide additional information until the user requests it. Try one now!

Example section

Common tools are listed here, or search for more in the full tool panel to the left.

Standard upload of data to Galaxy, from your computer or from the web.

Before using your sequencing data, it's important to ensure that the data quality is sufficient for your analysis.

Input data:

Sequencing data for analysis

A workflow is a series of Galaxy tools that have been linked together to perform a specific analysis. You can use and customize the example workflows below. Learn more.

Report statistics from sequencing reads.


  • nanoplot
  • fastqc
  • multiqc

Estimates genome size and heterozygosity based on counts of kmers.


  • meryl
  • genomescope

You can upload your data to Galaxy using the Upload tool from anywhere in Galaxy. Just look for the "Upload data" button at the top of the tool panel.

We recommend subsampling large data sets to test tools and workflows. A useful tool is seqtk_seq, setting the parameter at "Sample fraction of sequences".

Example section with subsections

The tools in this section have been divided into subsections to make it easier for users to find the tools they need. This must replace the entire value of the content key i.e. you can't mix subsections with standalone items.

This is my first subsection

A haplotype-resolved assembler for PacBio HiFi reads.

Input data:

PacBio reads

Another subsection

de novo assembly of single-molecule sequencing reads, designed for a wide range of datasets, from small bacterial projects to large mammalian-scale assemblies.

Input data:

Single-molecule sequencing reads

A workflow is a series of Galaxy tools that have been linked together to perform a specific analysis. You can use and customize the example workflows below. Learn more .

Assembly with PacBio HiFi data

This How-to-Guide will describe the steps required to assemble your genome on the Galaxy Australia platform, using multiple workflows.

Convert a BAM file to FASTQ format to perform QC analysis (required if your data is in BAM format).

Input data:

bam PacBiosubreads.bam

Assembly with Nanopore data and polishing with Illumina data

This tutorial describes the steps required to assemble a genome on Galaxy with Nanopore and Illumina data

Assemble Nanopore long reads. This workflow can be run alone or as part of a combined workflow for large genome assembly.

Input data:

fastqsanger Long reads (may be raw, filtered and/or corrected)

Yes. Galaxy Australia has assembly tools for small prokaryote genomes as well as larger eukaryote genomes. We are continually adding new tools and optimising them for large genome assemblies - this means adding enough computer processing power to run data-intensive tools, as well as configuring aspects such as parallelisation

Please contact us if:

  • you need to increase your data storage limit
  • there is a tool you wish to request
  • a tool appears to be broken or running slowly

  • See the tutorials in this Help section. They cover different approaches to genome assembly
  • Read the methods in scientific papers about genome assembly, particularly those about genomes with similar characteristics to those in your project
  • See the Workflows section for examples of different approaches to genome assembly - these cover different sequencing data types, and a variety of tools.


Github avatar for neoformit